Category - Imran Khan

Hope of Muslim Ummah

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Expose the Culprit and the evildoers of the Nation

  • Corrupt bureaucrat
  • These are the bureaucrats involved in helping and facilitating the wrongful oppression of innocent people.
  • Upload here all information on corrupt bureaucrats discreetly and expose them.
  • Corrupt Police Officers
  • These are the police that are involved in helping the wrongful oppression of innocent people.
  • Upload here all information on corrupt police discreetly and expose them.
  • Corrupt Army Officers
  • These are the few army generals, officers and their underlings that are corrupt and are acting like tyrannical dictators, oppressing innocent people without any proof or authority with impunity.
  • Upload here all information on corrupt army generals, officers and their underlings discreetly and expose them.
  • Corrupt Judges
  • These are the judges that help these unlawful and wrong oppression of innocent people.
  • Upload here all information on corrupt judges discreetly and expose them.
  • Corrupt Media (lifafy)
  • These are the media houses that help these unlawful and wrong oppression of innocent people.
  • Upload here all information on corrupt media persons discreetly and expose them.


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